Friday, 23 March 2007
Samuel West and Michael Palin 2007
I went to Sheffield to see Sam West hosting a talk with the multi talented Michael Palin. I've been a big fan of Michael's ever since Monty Python so for me there was a double reason why I wanted to attend this event. He's a friggin legend. Earlier in the day I was surprised to stumble upon a sectioned off area of the pavement. I went over to investigate and found out that Michael Palin was standing there to officially open something. At the same time I took a phone call which was a big mistake. I looked up to see Michael very close to me greeting fans. My hands were full so he withdrew his outstretched hand after saying hello. Damn it. Can't believe I missed an opportunity like that. I must be mad. I did take photos though and a few of the many pigeons that were trying to drown themselves in the nearby fountain round the corner. Strange town this. Later on I went to the talk event and was intrigued by everything. Michael's many adventures...and Sam's insights too that are equally as eye opening. So pleased to learn that Sam loves trains. My dad was a 'fireman' on the old steam trains in Cumbria during the 50's and 60's. He still loves trains with a passion and often visits Carlisle station to view them and some of his old colleagues who used to work with him. I love watching all the Michael Palin travel programmes. I especially liked the Himalaya and the Sahara series. He makes it all look so easy. I would love to go those places myself, but not sure I could cope with the food or the heat/cold...or the creepy crawlies.
Samuel West,
Saturday, 3 March 2007
As You Like It review February 2007

Three events. The Q&A. The play. The talkback
The month was February and once more I was back in Sheffield, this time for a few days. I had tickets to a Q&A chat with Sam West (who was directing it), the play itself, and also a talk back event (with the company) all at the Crucible theatre. The first day was the Q&A chat with Sam. And along with everyone else who had tickets, I took to my seat and awaited for Sam to appear onstage. I was wearing a jokey t-shirt at the time which Sam probably didn't notice since I was seated in the 4th row. The logo said something like "Jun66 Rules OK" on the front, and this was my insane idea of acknowledging the fact that Sam & I were both born in the same month and year. Crazy I know. When Sam eventually arrived he apologised for looking rough due to illness that he'd just recovered from, although he looked pretty normal to me. Sam began to explain all about his production of Shakespeare's 'As You Like It' which was really interesting. I thought it quite sweet that he was clutching a printed out Wikipedia page of the play (bless him) as well as his notes. I really enjoyed all the insights he had to offer over a vast range of topics...and not all play related either! Sam also recommended a book to us called 'Clamorous Voices, Shakespeare's women today' by Carol Rutter, which I later bought and read enthusiastically. The subject matter reminded me a lot of the sort of material my Mother used to have on her bookshelf while I was growing up. The q&a part was very amusing and I particularly liked the way Sam showed us how different stage props worked, except for the noise and the light effects which scared the s***t out of me! (ha ha) There was a huge globe structure on a wire that descended from above Sam's head which was pretty cool. Sam explained this was the Sun. Why of course! But sadly like all things Sam related...the chat had to end and we all went our separate ways until later on in the evening.
As You Like It...
When the play began I was sat in the front row unsure of what to expect. I had seen other productions of As You Like It...but this was quite different. Namely because of the set design and the costumes. I felt sorry for that poor lonely tree that looked as though it had been run over by a steam roller. The story was sometimes fun, frequently insane and at the same time a bit sad, and those noisy lights got me time and time again! I liked all the characters, especially Touchstone who amused me greatly. It was a wonderful evening, and a really good Sam West production.
The Talk back...
My last evening in Sheffield and after my third sitting of the play, the audience were invited to stay for the talk back event with the company of As You Like It. Most of the actors attended it, including Sam. Lots of people asked questions, and the company gave us a summary of what they did to develop their interpretation of this particular Shakespeare's play. It was very entertaining. After the talk back had finished I was making my way out of the theatre, when I noticed Sam standing there on the main staircase listening to a fan. He looked very subdued like in a daze. I later found out that his good friend Steve Pimlott had tragically passed away the previous day. On Valentine's Day as well. Very sad. :(
Samuel West,
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