Being a huge fan of the Shakespearean play 'Hamlet' I thought I had to mention my thoughts on a recent sitting of this production in the company of a certain David "Dr Who" Tennant. I've seen this play performed by other thespians apart from and most regrettably by Samuel West who managed to do a whole year of strutting his Hamlet stuff without me even knowing. Bad Bad me.
I've been to see Mark Rylance do this role at the Globe theatre as a birthday treat a few years ago, I thoroughly enjoyed Mel Gibson's film adaption of the great Dane, and have seen the Factory's version too which was brilliant. I used to have a cat named 'Ophelia' and my new one has the middle name Hamlet which he's not too impressed with so I've had to call him Sam instead. I've even found time to visit Hamlet's Castle also named Kronburg in Helsingør Denmark on my birthday during a visit to the country in 2003 which was excellent apart from the bit when I hit my head on the dungeon ceiling and almost knocked myself out while on a tour. It bloody hurt too. *Ouch*
Anyway I went to see this David Tennant version of Hamlet at the Norvello Theatre in London. First of all I thought David although favourable to the eyes talked so damn fast. I never remember Hamlet being done like that? David also tried to encourage the audience to laugh at parts of the play that I thought weren't necessarily funny in my opinion. Mainly the scenes in which Hamlet appears to be in distress. I know that some of the madness was comedic, but there were other moments of genuine grief also and this shouldn't be laughed at. But maybe I'm wrong? I don't know. I'm sure Sam was a lot better. Mark was outstanding in this role and I would like to think Sam can be added to this category. David in my opinion was more interested in trying to entertain his many fans. Most of the audience came alive when he entered the stage. Those other unfortunate characters including the poor Ophelia were ignored when trying to get a reaction in the same way. Another observation that I need to mention was the way that David was dressed quite similar to Sam in one scene. (see above image) They could be twins! I don't understand why this director had to copy Steve Pimlott with the costumes? I wasn't impressed. Overall I did enjoy this production but only because I like Hamlet. I just hope that maybe with David playing this role it will encourage a younger generation to explore Shakespeare's work...which isn't a bad outcome I guess.
*updated to say sorry to hear that poor David did his back in. Maybe he shouldn't of overplayed the character by throwing himself all over the stage? Anyway I hope he recovers soon. Not a nice injury to have. Damn*
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