A female House Sparrow
More info here...
House Sparrows.com
When I was a small kid the Sparrow (didn't know there were several types) was my favourite bird. I used to watch them in my Grandparent's garden as they came to feed from the bird feeders and dodge her cats who for the most part ignored them. Some days my Nan would open up her french doors to let in the sun, and occasionally a Sparrow or two would briefly hop inside to check us out. How I miss them days.
So recently I discovered that there aren't many Sparrows about. Well that's what has been officially reported. In fact in my part of London we have quite a few of them hanging about, but that's probably because we are in close proximity to the Hackney Marshes with it's nature reserve. At the corner of the road where I live there is a very sweet colony of Sparrows who reside in a large bush inside an overgrown garden. Some days, usually in the warmer months there are so many of the little creatures that the whole bush will shake and come to life. And the noise is very funny. So much squabbling in their community. Their patch. A friend mentioned that she didn't know there were any left, but there are. Lots of them in my neck of the woods anyway it seems. In my garden I have the odd one too, but my beloved moggy can't be trusted so for the moment I will refrain from adding a feeder. I do get other species of bird though, like Magpies, Jays and blue tits...wood pigeons and Robins as well as the crows. I prefer the Sparrows because they are so cute and have such a character about them.
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