Monday 5 January 2009

Twelfth Night on 12th night at Wyndams Theatre

**Update to say**...
I did go along in the end to see the show with a box of tissues and bottle of water stuffed inside my bag. I really did enjoy the play. A bit strange that they called the character 'Maria' Mary or Mar-iah instead. How dare they. I stayed on at the end for the Q&A with the cast and director Michael Grandage who looked ill as well. Didn't take any photos though due to the cast all staring at this mad woman blowing her nose in the front row every few minutes. One amusing fact that I found out, was that Michael was in an episode of Cadfael with Derek. I've got the boxset already so will now have to take a look when I'm feeling a bit better. Michael with a tonsure. That has got to be seen.
I'm meant to be going tomorrow to see this play starring Sir Derek Jacobi if my seasonal lurgy eases up a bit. It will be a shame to miss the show. Well if all else fails, here's a game to occupy my frail self in my recovery...

Twelfth Night penalty shootout (online game)

Try it out...I scored 6 out of 10. Yay me! :)

Definition of lurgy (plural lurgies)
(UK, slang) A fictitious, yet highly infectious disease; often used in the phrase "the dreaded lurgy", sometimes as a reference to flu-like symptoms

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