Is there an innocent explanation for the strange
lights in the Lincolnshire sky, or was it a UFO?
An investigation is under way after a 65ft wind turbine blade was sent flying into the night sky and another left bent and distorted amidst dozens of sightings of mysterious "strange lights" in the sky. Dorothy Willows was in her car when "strange lights" appeared in the evening sky, reported the Sun. She was among dozens who spotted the mysterious flashing orangey-yellow spheres over Lincolnshire... "The lights were moving across the sky towards the wind farm. Then I saw a low flying object. It was skimming across the sky towards the turbines," Willows said.
Local newspaper Louth Today spoke to another witness, John Harrison, who described how he looked out of his landing window to see a "massive ball of light" with "tentacles going right down to the ground" over the wind farm. "It was huge" he said "At first I thought it must have been a hole where the moon was shining through but then I saw the tentacles – it looked just like an octopus. "It was an incredible site; I have never seen anything like it before. I have no idea what it was, all I can say is what I saw."
The chairman of East Lindsey District Council, Robert Palmer, also reported seeing something strange in the sky, a "round, white light that seemed to be hovering". "That is the only way I can explain it - it wasn't a flare-like light - it was just round, white light with a slight red edge to it that seemed to be over the wind turbines"
Russ Kellett, from the Flying Saucer Bureau, said up to 30 witnesses had told him of activity in the area. "One saw what they at first thought was a low-flying aircraft on the Saturday evening and another heard a loud banging in the early hours of Sunday," he said. "This is the second most reports of activity we have ever had."
"To hit two of the blades, any object must have been about 170ft long," he said. Dale Vince, founder of the renewable energy company Ecotricity that owns the wind farm, told the BBC's Today Programme that although wind turbines do sometimes suffer mechanical failures that can cause them to lose blades, the damage to this turbine was "unique". "We don't have an explanation at the moment as to what the cause was," he said. "We have been crawling all over it and have sent bits off for analysis to see if we can work out what caused it. "Until we have some idea, some plausible explanation that it was not a UFO, I don't think we should rule it out."
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