Saturday 14 March 2009

Red Nose Day ~ the Aftermath

I managed to finish my sponsored cycle event in just over 3 hours. Most of the time was taken up by trying to find the parts of the THAMES PATH which believe it or not are now being occupied with private property! Crazy really. Anyway thankfully I made it to the finish line, (without too many aches and pains) which so happened to be inside the Greenwich foot tunnel which felt quite eerie when at one point I was the only person in there with the sounds of dripping water (no Zombies thank god) and the mechanisms of the lift at the far end. I'm really pleased that I've achieved this quest for charity. I've seen some amazing scenery along the way, especially on the south bank of the Thames. Like the Rotherhide village and Pageant Wharf. Wonderful stuff.

Here's a couple of unusual pix I took...

A huge bugger of an Anchor near Tower Bridge (south side)

The spooky looking Greenwich foot tunnel

My next charity event will probably be in August when I'm going to take part in a very spooky vigil in Manchester (with possible media interest) along with my fellow 'Ghostie Crew' members who are a group that are attached to the Pathfinder Guide Dogs charity. As well as many other things, we are also paranormal investigaters. And we often do other charity events to raise money as well.

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